

Northeast Japan Earthquake Impact on CCS Operations

First of all CCS group and its employees would like to express deep condolences for the victims of the earthquake and tsunami hit Northeast Japan on 11 March and sincerely hope for swift recovery of the people and areas affected by the disaster.

We hereby inform all our customers about the impact of this earthquake
on our operations.

* Production
Our production has not been affected since our manufacturing site is
not in the disaster area.

* Delivery
Delivery time is kept as normal. Overseas shipment from West Japan is
operated as usual.

Please feel free to contact your nearest office if you have any queries.

- Japan (CCS Inc. - Head office)
+ 81-75-415-8284

- USA (CCS America Inc.)

- Europe (CCS Europe NV)

- Asia - except China and Thailand (CCS Asia PTE LTD)

China (Representative office)
+86-21-5835-8728 (Shanghai)
+86-755-8279-0477 (Shenzhen)

Thailand (Representative office)
+66-2-655-0521 / 0522

April 6 2011
